Best New Year’s Resolutions: How to Stick To Your Weight Loss Goals

The new year is here and people are already lacing up their running shoes and making plans for a healthier future. Unfortunately, […]

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Men vs. Women: What Should Your Calorie Intake Be?

Reports show that men and women are consuming more calories now than they were in 1961. It also shows that calories […]

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Don’t Worry! Your Postpartum Belly Will Go Away (Eventually)

Do you know that 267 babies are born per minute globally? Becoming a new mom is one of the most rewarding events […]

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Lower Belly Fat: Why It’s So Hard to Lose and How to Do It Right

Did you know that losing one to two pounds a week is a reasonable and healthy weight loss rate? When you’re trying […]

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How Do Lipotropic Injections Help With Weight Loss?

About 63% of U.S. adults are planning to change up their diet while others are hitting the gym to lose weight. When […]

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Do Men Lose Weight Faster Than Women?

Did you know that more than 1.9 billion people worldwide over the age of 18 are obese? While the United States may […]

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5 Reasons Why You’re Hitting a Weight Loss Plateau

It’s an all too familiar dieting scenario. First, you drop a couple of pounds in a week, then you carry on […]

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8 Common Weight Loss Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Are you currently trying to lose weight? Even so, the weight isn’t coming off no matter how long you have […]

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Rise and Shine: 7 Easy Morning Rituals for Weight Loss

Losing weight in a healthy and sustainable way is difficult. Keeping that weight off long-term is even harder! A recent study […]

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Top Weight Loss Tips for Women That You Probably Never Knew About

Every year, around 45 million Americans start a new diet regime. If you’re looking to lose weight — no matter how much — then […]

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